Self Compacting Concrete

Self-Consolidating Concrete or Self-Compacting Concrete commonly known as SCC

When poured, SCC is an extremely wet/fluid mix and has a number of unique advantages over typical Concrete Mixes.

Self Compacting Concrete flows very easily within and around formwork or excavations to fill all voids and undercuts.

It can flow easily through complex reinforcement and will flow around obstructions and around corners. It is close to self levelling and will require minimal manipulation and finishing and is therefore less labor intensive compared to standard Ready Mix Concrete. 

Once poured, SCC is usually similar to standard concrete in  its setting and curing time and final strength.

There are hundreds of suppliers on Concrete Supermarket who offer SCC select the SCC to view the suppliers in your local area. Give it a try and follow this link. Search.


Self Compacting Concrete

Slabs, Column, Footings

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