

Welcome to Mudtech Tank Division, a subsidiary of Mudtech Ltd. Mudtech has provided geotechnical solutions across a broad range of industries since 1998; serving Construction, Civil Engineering and Drilling operations with focus on Tunnelling, Trenchless Technology and Shaft Sinking. Our Tank Division was formed more recently in order to funnel our innovative plant and equipment offerings to customers. More information is available by following this link

Concrete Washout Solutions provided by BlueRinse

The BlueRinse range is continually expanding to suit new applications but the fundamental principles & benefits remain the same:

  • Capture wash water to avoid direct discharge to environment.
  • Separate solids from water to minimise pH reaction.
  • Recycle the water for reuse.
  • Treat high alkalinity with pH/BLUE (no CO2 or acidics).
  • Enhances operator safety.
  • Unlimited wash capacity.
  • Keeps site tidy.
  • Hire or Purchase options.

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